Chiropractic & Pain Case Studies
Oliver Ghalambor, MD, DABA, FIPP, DABIPP, DABPM
Case 4
Case 4 Details
- 52 year old female
- Referred by her PCP
- Chief Complaint “Right Low Back and leg Pain”
- Seen in consultation on 03/03/2017
- Reported pain being there on and off for about a couple of years
- Gradual recent worsening in the last couple months
- No known trigger event.
- Tried OTC NSAIDs, Massage, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Heating Pad, muscle relaxant (Flexeril)
- Patient initially had relief from chiropractic care, but last couple treatments made her “worse” so she stopped going to her chiropractor
- Patient has past medical history of cervical spine fusion (C5-6 ACDF).
- After initial consultation with her PCP, MRI of the Lumbar spine was ordered and was “abnormal”.
- The PCP recommended referral to a spine surgeon first. She express her desire to “try everything else first” and so she was referred to us.

- Pain was described as “constant”, “continuous”, “numbing” and ”radiating down the leg”
- Pain was rated average 6/10 VAS, max 9/10 VAS
- Upon exam she was in no apparent distress upon rest
- Tenderness present over the right low lumbar region
- Facet loading maneuvers positive on the right
- Straight leg raise test positive on the right
- Motor exam normal, sensory suggestive of numbness to light touch and cold temperature in the right S1 dermatome
Facet Joint Injection
- On 03/07/2017 the patient underwent:
- 1. Right L5/S1 facet aspiration and injection with steroids
- 2. Right L5 and S1 transforaminal epidural steroid injection
Lumbar Radiofrequency Neurotomy (Rhizotomy)
- Right low back pain only which responds short term to the lumbar facet injections
- Lumbar facet joint medial branch RFA
- Lumbar radiculopathy which does not respond to combination of facet cyst injections and epidural steroid injections
Old fashion way:
- Lumbar laminectomy, facetectomy