Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) expert in Texas


This condition is a painful inflammation of the iliotibial band, a thick, tendon-like portion of a muscle that travels from the hip down the outer side of the thigh to the knee. ITBS results in pain, aggravated by activity, that is usually felt on the outer side of the knee.


Iliotibial Band syndrome is caused by overuse of the iliotibial band, which stabilizes the knee. The iliotibial band glides back and forth over the lateral femoral epicondyle during walking or running, and this constant rubbing can cause irritation and inflammation. ITBS can be caused by poor training habits, such as inadequate stretching or running on a banked surface, or by abnormalities in the anatomy of the legs and feet.



The pain of ITBS is most commonly felt on the outer side of the thigh just above the knee. But pain may be felt anywhere along the length of the iliotibial band, from the hip down to its attachment point at the tibia (just below the knee). Pain usually worsens with activity.


Initial treatment options may include rest, ice, compression and elevation. Stretches and exercises and anti-inflammatory medications may also be recommended. Chiropractic care and Physical Therapy are treatments of next step. If not successful, a NorTex specialist would be able to provide an personalized treatment such as fluoroscopic or ultrasound guided injection of corticosteroids in the greater trochanteric bursa or Iliotibilal band. Variety of Stem Cell Injections such as Platelet Rich Plasma injections have shown promises in order to avoid surgery in Severe Cases.


Finding the Source of the Pain is the Key!

At NorTex we are committed to finding the source of the pain; in this case back pain or neck pain; before starting to formulate a treatment plan. 


Lumbar or Cervical Facet Joint injections are invaluable diagnostic interventions which can help us understand whether back pain or neck pain is originating from arthritis of the spine joints referred to “facet joints”.  Long term relief of pain coming from facet joints is currently available via cauterizing the “Pain Wires” of the facet joints by an intervention called “Radiofrequency treatment” or “Rhizotomy”.  

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Iliotibial (IT) Band Tendinitis by Dr. Ghalambor