One of the treatments offered is Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP injections in the joints and spine.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
NorTex offers Regenerative Medicine therapy to treat a number of chronic pain conditions.
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Specialist in Texas
What is Platelet Rich Plasma?
PRP is produced from a person’s own blood. It is a concentration of one type of cell, known as platelets, which circulate through the blood and are critical for blood clotting. Platelets and the liquid plasma portion of the blood contain many factors that are essential for the cell recruitment, multiplication and specialization that are required for healing. After a blood sample is obtained from a patient, the blood is put into a centrifuge, which is a tool that separates the blood into its many components.
Platelet-rich plasma can then be collected and treated before it is delivered to an injured area of bone or soft tissue, such as a tendon or ligament. PRP is given to patients through an injection, and either X-ray or ultrasound guidance can assist in the precise placement of PRP.
What is Platelet Rich Plasma?
After the injection, a patient must avoid exercise and take anti-inflammatory medications for a short period of time before beginning a rehabilitation exercise program. Platelet activation plays a key role in the process of wound and soft tissue healing. The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a portion of the patient’s own blood having a platelet concentration above baseline, to promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints, can be applied to various musculoskeletal problems. PRP injections are prepared from one to a few tubes of the patient’s own blood with strict aseptic technique.
After being centrifuged, the activated platelets are injected into the abnormal tissue, releasing growth factors that recruit and increase the proliferation of reparative cells. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that PRP injections have improved function and decreased pain to various maladies, including – but not limited to – elbow, wrist, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle tendonosis. Early work is also showing promise for osteoarthritis. The side effects of PRP injections are very limited as the patient is utilizing their own blood, which they should have no reaction to. Some relative rest is needed immediately following the procedure, then usually followed by a progressive stretching and strengthening program.
At NorTex we offer PRP injections in the joints such as knee, hip, shoulder for arthritis, bursitis and even other problems such as ligament tears and meniscus problems, labral tear etc whenever surgery is not required.