
BOTOX® Injections for Chronic Migraine
If you have frequent, severe headaches, BOTOX® could help.

Caudal Epidural Steroid Injection
This outpatient procedure is an injection of a steroid-anesthetic medication.

Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection
This injection relieves pain caused by a pinched nerve(s) in the cervical spine.

Cervical Facet Radiofreq. Neurotomy
The physician uses heat from radio waves to treat painful facet joints in your neck.
Facet Joint Injections
The facet joints, found on both sides of the back of the spine, can become painfully irritated or inflamed.
Genicular Nerve Ablation
During this procedure, the physician uses a radiofrequency device to disrupt the genicular nerves.
Genicular Nerve Block (G Block)
This outpatient procedure is an injection of anesthetic to the genicular nerves.
HYALGAN® Injection for Knee Pain
During this procedure, the physician injects HYALGAN® into the knee joint.
Intraoperative Monitoring of the Nerves
This is used during complex surgeries, especially those that involve manipulation of the spinal cord.
Lumbar Sympathetic Block
This procedure is an injection that numbs branches of nerves in your lower back.
Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid
This outpatient procedure is an injection of a steroid-anesthetic medication.
Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)
This is a form of therapy that allows doctors to move your body without causing you any pain.
Medial Branch Block
This diagnostic procedure is performed to identify a painful facet joint.
Medial Branch Block (Cervical)
This is an injection of numbing medicine that bathes the medial branch nerves.
PRP Therapy (Overview)
Platelet rich plasma therapy can help injured joints and other problems.
PRP Therapy for Chronic Back Pain
If you have back pain, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy may help.
PRP Therapy for Chronic Knee Pain
If you have pain in your knee, platelet rich plasma therapy may help.
PRP Therapy for Hip Arthritis
If you have arthritis in your hip, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy may help.
PRP Therapy for Shoulder Pain
If you have shoulder pain, platelet rich plasma therapy may help.
Radiofreq. Neurotomy Lumbar Facets
During this procedure, the physician uses heat from radio waves to treat painful facet joints.
Radiofreq. Neurotomy Thoracic Facets
During this procedure, the physician uses heat from radio waves to treat painful facet joints.
Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injection
This injection procedure is performed to relieve pain caused by arthritis in the sacroiliac joint.
Sphenopalatine Ganglion (SPG) Block
This is an injection of numbing medicine. It is delivered to the area around a bundle of nerves.
Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant (Trial)
This injection procedure is performed to relieve pain caused by arthritis in the sacroiliac joint.
Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant
Spinal cord stimulation uses electrical impulses to relieve chronic pain of the back, arms and legs.
Stellate Ganglion Block
A stellate ganglion nerve block is an injection that numbs branches of nerves in your neck.
Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Discs
Spinal discs can be damaged by injury, disease, or added stress that can result from a spinal fusion.
Subacromial Injection
This injection goes into your shoulder. It can help reduce your shoulder pain.
Suprascapular Nerve Block
This treats pain from arthritis, bursitis or impingement of the suprascapular nerve.
Trigger Point Injections
This outpatient procedure is designed to reduce or relieve the pain of trigger points.
Viscosupplementation for Knee Arthritis
This is an injection of medicine into the knee joint that lubricates your knee.
YESS Endoscopic Discectomy™
This minimally-invasive procedure is performed through a small tubular device.